What Is Elements?
Elements is an innovative tool that will help you have confidence that you are on the right track financially.
When you enter your financial data into the app it populates a financial health scorecard that you and your advisor can use to assess and monitor your financial health.
Your Financial "Vital Signs"
The Elements scorecard measures your financial vital signs. Like your blood pressure or cholesterol count these standard measures can be used to identify red flags and opportunities for improving in your financial situation.
How to get started...
1) Download the app
Your advisor will send you an email invite from Elements with links to download the Elements app and create an account.
2) Start entering info
Now you’ll start adding information about your finances. We suggest you start with the Net Worth screen and add any assets or outstanding debts
3) Connect with your advisor
As you start adding information, keep your advisor involved. They will be able to answer questions as you get organized and provide guidance.