
Elements Website Widgets

As an Elements customer you have access to a library of Elements content widgets that can be easily added to your website. In order to use these widgets, we need to add your website domain to our approved users. Please follow the steps below to get the web widgets added. (If you have a Wix website please use these alternate video instructions)

Step 1: Get your website domain approved

Please go to the home page of your website and copy/paste the domain from your address bar into an email. You should also copy/paste your staging website URL into this email (this is the domain provided by your website host to preview changes before your website is live).

Send that email to support@getelements.com and we will add your domains

Step 2: Insert code into your website

Paste this in the footer of your website (or at least added below the last Elements snippet).

<script src="https://elementsadvisor.com/cdn/js/elements.js"></script>

Next add these snippets to your website code where you want each widget to appear on the page:

<!-- Begin Explore Snippet-->
<div class="da_ge" data-id="explore"></div>
<!-- End Explore Snippet-->

<!-- Begin How Snippet-->
<div class="da_ge" data-id="how"></div>
<!-- End How Snippet-->

<!-- Begin Schedule Snippet-->
<div class="da_ge" data-id="schedule"></div>
<!-- End Schedule Snippet-->

<!-- Begin Carousel Snippet-->
<div class="da_ge" data-id="carousel"></div>
<!-- End Carousel Snippet -->

<!-- Begin Store and Carousel Snippet-->
<div class="da_ge" data-id="storeandcarousel"></div>
<!-- End Store and Carousel Snippet-->

Explore Widget

How Widget

Schedule Widget

Carousel Widget

Carousel and App Store Widget

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