Jeff Morgan
Jeff Morgan

Article's Author

A Roadmap to the Future: Elements’ One-Page Plan

You want clients to bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to end up—to gain greater clarity about their current financial situation so what needs to be done to reach their future goals makes sense. The Elements app offers a powerful tool, the One-Page Plan, which helps create a roadmap for clients. It serves as a visual guide, clearly illustrating the path from the client’s current financial position to their dream aspirations. According to David Hughes of Resurgent Advisors-Wealth Advisory, “Elements One-Page Plan helps clients understand their financial health so they know what needs to be done to reach their goals.”

Advisors are financial navigators and the One-Page Plan encourages active client participation, helping clients visualize their financial journey as they more clearly see the necessary steps it takes to achieve their objectives. It not only simplifies complex information but also acts as a communication tool, addressing core questions like “How am I doing?” and “What should I do next?” Adds Hughes, “Elements is so intuitive it’s not hard to describe what each Element is and how it fits into a financial plan. It just makes sense.”

A significant advantage of Elements’ One-Page Plan is its adaptability as a “living plan.” The Elements app automatically updates any changes in a client’s finances, allowing advisors to proactively adjust and revise the plan as life happens for their clients, thereby avoiding the delayed reactions associated with the more traditional plan-in-a-binder approach.

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