Jeff Morgan
Jeff Morgan

Article's Author

Elements and the Partner Advisor

Angela Johnson, of Worthen Financial Advisors, uses the Elements app as an assessment and monitoring tool and it has become integral to her entire planning process. Her approach is client-centric: “I don’t tell clients what they should do, they’re telling me. And it’s Elements that helps them begin to see that they’re not spending their money in alignment with their values.” Planning begins with a thorough analysis that hones in on each client’s individual values and goals. It’s a tailored approach that allows Angela to show clients exactly what needs to be done to reach their objectives—and her understanding of each client’s unique priorities is reinforced by Elements.

It’s the mission at Worthen Financial Advisors to guide clients to make informed financial decisions that align with their goals, whether those goals are years in the future, or in the short term for their retired clients. For Angela, the key is communication and collaboration. “Everyone needs a discussion partner and my role is to help clients as their partner. Elements helps me get those discussions started as clients begin to visualize why their financial picture isn’t in line with their values.” Additionally, Elements helps her clients to see how making changes, like spending less or saving more, can affect their overall financial picture.

Whether your clients are just starting out on their financial journey, preparing for retirement, or already enjoying retirement, Elements can help them recognize when their money habits are out of sync with their personal values. And it’s why Angela Johnson utilizes Elements from onboarding to creating individual client financial strategies.

Want to learn more? Check out this Elementality episode, with Angela Johnson of Worthern Financial Advisors.

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