Colton Etherton
Colton Etherton

Article's Author

How to Build Credibility Fast with Quick, Insightful Financial Answers

As a financial advisor, I know that financial planning is a complex process that involves a wide range of activities. Budgeting, investing, insurance, taxes, retirement planning, and estate planning are all part of the equation. But despite its complexity, I also know that people enjoy financial planning when they experience it firsthand. It gives them a sense of control and security over their future.

However, one challenge that I face as an advisor is the time-consuming data gathering process that is required before I can show my planning expertise. I needed to find a way to speed things up and give fast, knowledgeable answers that solve a prospective client’s financial concerns right at the very start of our relationship.

When people seek financial advice, they often have immediate financial concerns that they want answers to. They may not be looking for a comprehensive financial roadmap, but rather for guidance on how to address their current concerns. They want to know that I can offer practical solutions from the get-go. That’s when I discovered Elements.

Elements is an assessment tool that allows me to swiftly gauge a person’s financial status. It provides me with a standard set of vital signs that show a prospective client’s financial picture at a glance. With the Elements scorecard, I can quickly discern if a prospective client is taking the right amount of risk, saving enough, using their income wisely, and so on.

Using Elements as an assessment tool has allowed me to provide value to my clients from day one. It has helped me to establish trust and credibility with them, and has enabled me to start building a long-term relationship with them right away. And in a field where trust and credibility are essential, that’s a real game-changer.

Build Trust, Fast.

Reduce the time it takes to build trust with prospects and clients, so you can accelerate your business growth and keep clients happy.

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Schedule a time to see how Elements can help grow, scale, and modernize your planning business.

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