Tad Henderson
Tad Henderson

Article's Author

Track Client Financial Vital Signs

The path to financial security is never linear. The financial choices that face every person are unique, and unforeseen circumstances make every journey different. But no matter their age, lifestyle, or the occurrence of life-altering moments, what each individual wants is help assessing and then monitoring their financial progress. They want assurance that they are on the right track to achieve their financial goals.

The reasons people look for help varies from individual to individual. For some the economic climate increases their anxiety and they want help making informed financial decisions. For others finances can be so complicated they need help maneuvering through the various options—investments, insurance, and even the best way to save. Then there are the major life events, such as marriage, divorce, starting a family, or retirement. Each brings with it significant financial implications and people want guidance as they navigate through the uncertainty.

Every traveler who is worried about their financial security really wants to know “Am I doing OK?” as they pass through life’s twists and turns. And they are looking for advice from someone who can answer that question and then monitor their situation as they make progress along their quest. For each, Elements is the ideal tool for measuring financial vitals. Similar to monitoring vital signs in healthcare, Elements allows advisors to look at clients spending, investments, debt, and other indicators on one scorecard. By using Elements, advisors can keep an eye on client progress, making adjustments to a plan when needed, while answering the “Am I doing OK” worry by using its objective measurements to show clients the status of their progress.

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