Stop Answering Client Questions with ”It Depends”
Presented by Carl Richards & Abby Morton
"The Essence of Strategy is Choosing What Not to Do."
- Michael E. Porter
Join Jordan Haines and Reese Harper to explore why projection-based planning sucks for accumulators and why you should replace it with actionable, objective, standardized peer benchmarks.
Learn Why:
- “Probability of success” sends false signals
- Projections don’t change behavior
- Clients are motivated by comparisons
- Standard client performance metrics make conversations easier
- Financial Health Benchmarks drive “a-ha” moments
Redeem Wealth Sneak Peek.
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Zoom Webinar
Tuesday, July 16th
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM MDT
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Webinar Presenters

Reese Harper, CFP®
Reese Harper, CFP® is the creator of Elements™ financial vitals and Founder/CEO at Elements®.
A 20-year veteran of the financial planning industry, he’s dedicated to giving advisors the processes and tools they need to deliver a consistent, ongoing, and meaningful planning experience to their clients at scale.

Jordan Haines, CFP®
Jordan Haines, CFP® is the Director of Advisor Success at Elements.
Jordan is an Elements Financial Vitals expert who is passionate about helping financial advisors measure, assess and improve financial health for clients through intuitive technology and meaningful client interactions.