

Browse our collection of hand-crafted articles, each of which provide valuable insights for financial advisors looking to grow their business and help more people make informed financial choices.


The Membership Model: Do Good, Help More People

A look into the future where the right philosophy and right tech work together to improve how advisors attract, educate, and convert new clients. By Reese Harper, CFP®

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More Conversations, Less Administration

What if all we needed were a clear set of financial vitals and the intent to drive real change? This...

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Client Experience

An Elements Financial Vitals Quick Overview

Here's a detailed explanation of how the Elements Financial Vitals work, focusing on the purpose of each Element.

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Planning Process

Elements and the Partner Advisor

“Everyone needs a discussion partner and my role is to help clients as their partner. Elements helps me get those...

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The Art of Marketing on a Tight Budget

Starting with a clear understanding of your target audience can prevent you from making costly trial-and-error mistakes. Defining your audience...

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Firm Growth & Marketing

How to Set Your Firm Apart With Liability Planning

By collating all liabilities in one place, an advisor gains a holistic view of their clients’ financial status. That allows...

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Why Podcasting Strikes a Chord for Prospective Clients

Consistently releasing episodes keeps your expertise and services at the forefront of your audience's mind, a crucial factor in a...

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Firm Growth & Marketing

How to FIRE Up Your Marketing Efforts

Amidst the myriad tasks for clients, marketing often takes a back seat. But be honest, marketing would get more attention...

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Firm Growth & Marketing

Demonstrate The Value of Financial Advice Faster

More so than how to do financial planning, the greater concern for the typical advisor is simply how to make...

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Firm Growth & Marketing

The Vanity Metric of Your Clients’ Finances

Just like there are multiple areas of the body that need to be healthy independently of each other and need...

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Planning Process

A Roadmap to the Future: Elements’ One-Page Plan

The Elements app offers a powerful tool, the One-Page Plan, which helps create a roadmap for clients. It serves as...

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Planning Process

Crack the Code: Simplifying Tax Planning for Advisors

Taxes significantly impact every individual's finances, and proactive tax planning can result in substantial savings. But many financial advisors find...

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Planning Process

A Holistic Approach to Client Retirement

By helping them create a strong footing for their money decisions, clients find that they are less stressed when it...

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Planning Process

Real Coaching, Really Fast.

Use Elements Financial Coaching to stand out, protect your fees, increase participation, and screen for great-fit clients.